Mossy Oak’s Ronnie ‘Cuz’ Strickland: Passion made it Happen


Today we talk with one of the ‘goodest’ old boys we’ve ever met, a guy who started as a customer for some cool new upstart camo way back when… and then, with no training whatsoever, taught himself the art of videography and editing and went on to become an iconic television producer. The road leads all the way to the Legends of the Outdoors Hall of Fame, and you’ll hear all about it from Ronnie ‘Cuz’ Strickland.

Passion is such a powerful force that it can trump everything. It can become an obsession. If that sounds like a familiar tune, you probably heard it from the now-ubiquitous camo company known as Mossy Oak. Our guest today had a hand in showing off Mossy Oak to the hunting world when it was introduced back in the 1980s, and as a self-starter video guy, his ‘camo cameras’ have captured every type of hunting you can think of. A pioneer in outdoor television and video, ‘Cuz’ Strickland helped create the legendary show “Mossy Oak’s Hunting the Country,” which is still airing after all these years.

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Our conversation with Cuz starts in the October, 2018 edition of MidWest Outdoors magazine, and we pick it up here, as fellow hunting legend Ray Eye offers up Cuz Strickland, in his own words.

Take a listen. It’s time well spent!

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