Your Ice Angler’s Equipment Checklist
While your attention may be fixed on football, hunting or other opportunities, now is the time to start preparing for your ice season. Get your gear out, dust off the cobwebs, and make sure everything is in working order. Being prepared well in advance will only make your time more enjoyable and, ultimately, make you a more effective angler.
Organization and preparation are critical elements to success on the ice. Without them, you may be forced to repair or replace gear, rather than actually fishing. Many anglers are limited to specific windows for fishing, so it’s important to capitalize on those periods by having your gear ready and in working order. Winter conditions are hard on gear, so doing your due diligence is essential.
Hopefully, you took the time to properly store and summer-ize your gear after last winter, because it’ll make the transition to this season much easier. If not, you still you have time to go through the motions and verify that everything is operational.
The extensive list below can help you start your season out on a positive note, knowing you are ready to fish whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Rods, reels & line
• Inspect your rods for any defects—check the guides, reel seats, and blanks themselves.
• Make sure reels are operational and greased/oiled properly.
• If you have any rods or reels in dire need of repair or replacement, reach out to the manufacturer well in advance of ice season.
• Remove last year’s line (if you haven’t already done so) and review what line you may have in stock at home. Spool up reels with fresh line.
• Make a list of rods, reels and line you plan to add before the season starts.
• Examine your tackle for any defects—chipped paint, bent hooks, etc.
• Take inventory of what you have; ice fisherman like to have more than one or two of their favorite lures.
• Replace any hooks that don’t meet the mark. It’s a good idea to keep extra hooks on hand throughout the season as well.
• Organize your tackle by type. Due to the nature of ice fishing, you are often limited on what you can bring. Sort your tackle based on type and species, so you can be sure you’ll have what you need, when you need it. Label the boxes for quick access.
• Make a list of any jigs, spoons, plastics, etc., that you need to add to your arsenal for the upcoming season.
Fish houses, ice shelters & shanties
• Inspect your shack well in advance of the ice season, including the skin, poles and sled. Check for any rips or tears, cracks or loose bolts. Ensure the poles are in working order.
• Hopefully, you stored it properly at the end of last season, but if you’re not so lucky and you find some issues, get in touch with the manufacturer as soon as possible. Inventories are better than they were a few years ago, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
• Test your lighting sources to make sure they are still functional.
• Make a list of any new accessories and plan to purchase them when you can find them.
Ice augers & chisels
• Confirm that your auger, or augers, are in working order. Start them, then start them again.
• Inspect the blades to make sure they’re sharp. It’s not a bad idea to have an extra set. Think back to last season and how your blades cut then; if they weren’t optimal, invest in a new set.
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• Regardless of your auger type, hopefully you took the proper maintenance precautions during the offseason (i.e., charging batteries, draining fluids, etc.).
• If you run a gas auger, make sure you have fresh fuel (ideally, high-octane premium fuel). If you run an electric auger, make sure your batteries are properly charged.
• At first ice, rely an ice chisel or spud bar. Ensure that it’s functional and sharp before heading out.
• Confirm that your batteries are charged up before hitting the ice for the first time. Replace any batteries that may have failed.
• If you’re still using lead acid batteries, now may be the time to invest in a lithium option. While they’re a little more expensive, they’re more reliable, significantly lighter and will last for many seasons.
• Review your overall unit (flasher or camera). Validate that the screen, knobs, transducer and cables are in working order before hitting the ice. Bring your electronics to the lake before it freezes to make sure everything is operational.
• Start your heater at home. Then start it again. You don’t want to be stuck without heat when you need it.
• Make sure you are stocked up on fuel, whether it’s 1-pound cylinders or 20-pound cylinders. One-pound cylinders have been a hot commodity, especially the last few seasons.
• You may want to invest in a reusable option that can be filled at home.
• Inspect your winter apparel to ensure there are no rips or tears, including jacket, bibs, boots and gloves.
• Wash and clean gear as needed.
• If you’re planning to buy any replacement gear, buy it early.
• Perform the proper maintenance prior to ice season, whether you do it yourself or bring it in for service. If you rely on the latter, get it done early to make sure your machine is ready in time.
• Examine your ATV or snowmobile for any issues.
• Think back to last year: What accessories or add-ons were on your wish list? Take them into consideration and purchase early.
The extras
Other items to examine before the season include: ice scoops, ice cleats, tip-ups and minnow buckets.
By taking the time to ensure your equipment is in tip-top shape, you can prevent a lot of unexpected issues and make sure you are fully able to enjoy your time on the ice. A little preventative maintenance goes a long way. Set aside some time to inspect your gear well in advance of ice season.
If you want to try a different, exciting fish species or technique, you’ll find plenty of suggestions in every issue of MidWest Outdoors. Subscribe on our website.
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