Outdoors & More
Illinois DNR
According to our DNR, Illinois deer hunters harvested approximately 144,150 deer during the 2016-17 hunting season. Of those, 44 percent were does while 56 percent were bucks. It was also announced that in all probability there will only be about 11.5 million fish stocked in Illinois waters this year. That is way down from last year’s figure of 20.9 million fish released. The good news is that the Illinois spring and fall trout stocking is not affected. The Illinois inland trout stamp of $6.50 covers that program.
Fishing at ages 65 and 75
Those are two milestones you can reach where you get a discount on your Illinois resident fishing license. As you know, this license is $15. Ah, but when you reach age 65, the price drops to $7.75. It gets even better when you turn age 75, with the price falling to $1.50. Unfortunately, I had to get my new license before next month when I hit the 75 mark. I’m not missing spring fishing and trout season just to save a few bucks while waiting until June. I guess our DNR figures not many of us make it to age 85 so they feel there’s no need for further discounts.
Black rifles
Geez—is there any firearm company that isn’t making AR-15-style rifles? It seems when I attend various gun shows that so many of the vendor tables contain these type of firearms. I think they are neat-looking guns, but I personally have no need for one. One thing is for sure: if there wasn’t such a demand for them there wouldn’t be so many companies zeroing in on the manufacturing of the black rifles.
Model 700
A few months ago I saw a segment on TV about the Remington Model 700 bolt-action rifle. It was about that model’s trigger mechanism. Supposedly, the rifle can discharge without the trigger being pulled. I, like millions of other M700 owners, might wonder if the rifle is safe. I am always skeptical on what the main networks throw out on news concerning firearms.
If you own such a rifle you can go to Remington’s website to get the company’s opinion. I don’t use my Model 700 that much and have not had such problems. The same goes for two friends I know who own Model 700s. Remington has been making firearms since the earth “cooled,” so it is hard to imagine they would knowingly manufacture a dangerous firearm. Like any firearm, keep the safety on until you are ready to discharge the firearm.
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Illinois mammal homes
Illinois mammals call home to one of two chief categories: burrow underground and above ground. Underground homes can be occupied by tiny shrews, mice, moles, ground squirrels, gophers or barn rats, to larger animals like woodchucks, badgers, skunks, opossums, raccoons, otters and coyotes. Weasels and mink commonly take over burrowed homes of other species. Homes on or above ground can be for raccoons, coyotes, squirrels, bats, fox, bobcats, deer or even the rare mountain lion.
You can be a better hunter if you learn to recognize certain mammal’s trails and tracks. As for trails, there are three types of trails: high, runways and slides. Whether you’re hunting or trapping, learning an animal’s habitat and its trails and tracks can make for a successful outing.
Birds vs. wind turbines
Skyscraper-sized wind turbines are seen as energy-producing devices. However, one of the presumed bad results that opponents of these point out is that these giant turbine blades kill many birds. I think it would be good to finally see an independent study and make photos public as to how many birds are killed by these props. Maybe some areas are more prone than others in the demise of our feathered friends.
A dog runs into a grocery store, grabs a steak and runs out the door. The store owner recognizes the dog as belonging to a lawyer he knows. He goes to the lawyer’s office and asks the lawyer, “If a dog steals meat from my store, can I demand payment from its owner?” The lawyer says, “Most certainly!” The store owner then says, “Well, in that case, you owe me $10 for the steak your dog took from the meat counter in my store.” The lawyer apologizes and then gives the owner the money. Two weeks later, the owner gets a letter from the lawyer containing a bill for $100 consultation fee!
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Dan Dauw
Dan Dauw writes outdoor columns for two local newspapers and MidWest Outdoors. He first became a writer while in the US Navy, writing articles for his ship newspaper. He has been an avid hunter and angler for most of his 76 years. Dauw retired from the US Postal Service in 2000.