Interior Secretary Addresses Sport Fishing and Boating Council Meeting
Angling and boating enthusiasts should be pleased with U.S. Department of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s comments when he addressed the Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council at its recent meeting held in Washington, D.C.
The secretary emphasized the importance of outdoor recreation, specifically as it relates to boating, and included a message directed squarely at America’s nearly 12 million registered boat owners: “Boats are good. A lot of boats are better,” said Zinke, as he discussed his priorities to update and modernize visitor facilities on federal lands to improve the visitor experience. The secretary also discussed his support for increasing recreational boating access on federal lands, and addressing maintenance backlogs that have plagued the agency for decades.
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The Secretary also noted that he looked to the council for help, saying “I need really good advice.” Topics for the meeting included discussions regarding the backlog of maintenance at fish hatcheries and parks, permitting issues and improving access to interior lands and waters.
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