Excellent June Crappie Fishing on Lake of Egypt


When you think about going crappie fishing, you first consider which lake is best. There are many lakes that have quality crappie fishing at different times during the year, but one of the best, consistent lakes year ‘round is Lake of Egypt.

Winter, spring, summer or fall, this downstate lake produces more big slab crappies on a regular basis than any other lake that I know. Lake of Egypt is located 10 miles south of Marion, Ill., just off of I-57 in Johnson and Williamson counties. The 2,300-acre lake can be spectacular for crappies in June.

Seek out the brush piles scattered generously throughout the lake, and you have picked out a virtual crappie factory. I am particularly fond of Egypt because it is regulated with the fisherman in mind. Water skiers and jet skiers, which in the warmer months can become a nuisance to fishermen, have designated areas to romp and play in areas nowhere near some of the prime fishing spots. So even though the lake can be very busy, finding a secluded cove or bay will not find you overrun by the “kamikazes.”

So where are some of the prime crappie spots on this lake?

These can be crappie hot spots at any given time, so I will start at the top of the lake (north) and work my way down:

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Elks Cove contains brittle naiad known locally only as “grass.” The south side of this cove produces excellent crappie catches all season long. Bannis Point is next, and this pointed, shallow area produces good crappies. Near evening you can sometimes be surprised by one of the huge hybrids that inhabit this lake. The area just north of Christmas Tree Point can and does produce some great summer catches of crappies. Try the deep points and brush piles, especially when the winds are out of the southwest.

Near mid-lake there is an old road bead and bridge with rubble that can be drifted or slow-trolled for some good crappies. Just watch out that you don’t latch on to one of those big catfish that like to hang in that particular area. This area is marked as “Location  #13” on my old “Fishing Hot Spots” fishing map.

Farther on down, you have Spanish House Point and Bald Eagle Cove. These are both excellent choices to fill your larder with delicious crappie fillets. Bare Tree Point is an area with brush piles that produce good crappie catches. Surprisingly, it is not heavily fished. Maybe because it faces to the north and the north breezes can keep you bouncing around. In any case, it is an excellent place to catch fish. The back end of Bethel Cove is a spot offering wood, rock and some good variations in depth. It is not always the hottest spot on the lake, but at times can be rewarding. Another hot spot is just off of Egyptian Hills Cove, (“#38” on my “map”). This still has some of the old road and bridge rubble that was once there, and although it is fished heavily, it still manages to produce quality crappie fishing. Places like Eagle Point Bay, Eagle and Sugar points, The Pond and Thomas Cove Hickory Point, are all quality spots.

There are so many good locations on Lake of Egypt that they are just too numerous to mention. My suggestion: Get a hold of an updated “Fishing Hot Spots” map or a Navionics chip in your GPS and do a little research. With a little time and effort you can catch crappies almost at will on this lake. One thing to be aware of is that this lake is a pretty clear-water lake, and smaller lines and jigs will go a long way to making your fishing venture a successful one. Better yet, if it’s your first trip down to this crappie lake, get a hold of a guide and let him teach you how and where to fish. Gather up your fishing equipment, throw your rods in the back of your car, truck or boat and scoot on down—the crappies are just waiting.  MWO