Fall into Walleye Action
Brian Brosdahl can put you on fall migrating walleyes.
Part of the reason many people like living in the North Country is the change of seasons. Summer eventually has to come to an end, but that means my favorite season of the year is approaching, and good times are coming both in the woods and on the lakes.
The water temperatures determine most of the long-term patterns in the lakes. The summer fishing patterns will hold on as long as the surface water temperatures remain above 70 degrees.
When the real fall cool-down begins, summer patterns fall apart pretty quickly and the fish start their fall migrations and put on the feedbag to get ready for winter.
Minnows and small fish gather in larger schools and make their way into deeper water. The move puts them in harm’s way, which is right where the walleyes and other predator species want them. The main defense of the minnows, when they move deep, is they travel in large schools, so they can ‘hope’ somebody else gets eaten instead of them. It’s all part of the natural process in a healthy self-sustaining lake or river system.
Everything is relative and depends on the size and dynamics of each lake. Some lakes are isolated and small, so the fall migration may just involve moving a few hundred feet into deeper water. Large lake systems that are part of a chain of lakes or have a major river system connected to the lakes may have fish moving many miles between their summer haunts and their wintering locations.
Wherever and however the fish move in the fall, the one constant is food. The fish need to put on weight and add some fat before winter, and also need to fuel the development of their eggs and spawn, which start to form in the fall for spring spawning species.
Where walleyes go and what they do depends largely on the type of lake they live in, and what options they have for habitat. Access to deep water is a critical aspect of fall and winter locations for most species of fish. But, walleyes in large shallow lakes that don’t experience thermocline during the summer will often move towards the shallows in the fall.
Walleyes in deep lakes usually move into deeper water in the fall, using complex structures that can provide all of their needs when the lakes eventually ice over for the winter.
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I like to fish shallow water whenever possible, so I like to concentrate on the big shallow lakes early in the fall and then move to the deep lakes later in the fall, when the water temperatures cool into the 50s.
Walleyes are selective about the size baitfish they target, so I like to use large shiners, creek chubs or redtail chubs on live bait rigs. I use a 3/8-ounce slip sinker on a seven-foot, six-inch medium-action rod with an extra fast tip. I like Gamakatsu circle hooks for live bait rigging minnows, with a #4 hook for smaller minnows and a #2 hook for larger minnows.
Instead of setting the hook, I make sure the fish is swimming away from me, and then do a speed reel with my rod tip down close to the water. When the rod loads up from the fish, I raise the rod tip and fight the fish. The walleyes are almost always hooked in the corner of the mouth.
I also use jigs in the fall. My favorite jigging rod is a six foot, three inch St. Croix Legend Elite, with medium light action and a fast tip.
I use braided line on most of my rods, with a fluorocarbon leader on the end as a shock leader and also so walleyes don’t shy away from the braided line. I like 10-pound-test green braid with an 8-pound-test clear fluorocarbon leader for most situations.
I usually use 1/4- to 3/8-ounce jigs in the fall. I match the size jig with size minnow and also consider the depth, wind conditions and bottom type to select the right jig for the situation.
If the great walleye fishing was not enough in the fall, I also get to hunt and eat ruffed grouse, which is the ‘turf’ part of my favorite surf and turf meals.
Where to find fish in the fall is key, and where to gain that information is in the pages of the September issue of MidWest Outdoors, available the first full week of September at the newsstand or by subscribing on our website.
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Brian 'Bro' Brosdahl
Outdoor communicator Brian “Bro” Brosdahl lives in northern Minnesota. He is a walleye guide in the Cass Lake, Leech Lake and Lake Winnibigoshish areas. He is sponsored by Northland Fishing Tackle, Frabill/Plano, Aqua-Vu, Humminbird/Minn Kota, St. Croix Rods, Ranger Boats, and Evinrude. Guide inquiries: brosguideservice.com. Follow on social media.