May 17, 2024
Helping you enjoy the outdoors!
May 17, 2024
Plastic or Live Bait?
By Bob Jensen
Not so long ago, many fishing guides and tournament contestants—people who have to catch fish—were adamant that live bait was the ticket. Today, that’s changed.
Bassin’ Near the Spawn
By Dave Csanda
When bass switch from aggressively feeding to defending nesting areas, adjust your presentation from swift coverage techniques to patient, tempting tactics.
A Message From
Duckett Fishing

Pro Driven
Duckett Fishing’s mission is to provide professional anglers with the highest quality fishing equipment, which means they are professionally designed, tested, and specialized for the unique needs of experienced anglers.

Silly Laws

Algoma’s Dancing Steelhead
June is a favorite month for Algoma fishing and is one of the most exciting times to fish the northern half of Lake Michigan. The steelhead will be waiting! Now’s the time to book your Algoma fishing vacation.
Ned Rig Walleye Tactics
By Scott Petersen
One of the most talked about presentations sweeping bass fishing is now making headway among walleye anglers.
Spring Charter Fishing Fun at Arnesen’s
Join the MWO TV crew aboard an Arnesen’s charter boat for a fun-filled day catching walleyes during the hot spring jigging bite.