Try a Hula Grub This Fall

The Ultimate in Concealment and Protection
Ancient River Fish
The native bigmouth buffalo is the longest-lived freshwater fish. Many individuals reach the ripe old age of 100 years and the oldest verified specimen was 112 years old!
Wild Rose 'Candy'
One of the more colorful and plentiful roadside flowers of summer is the wild rose. Well known as a source of tea made from its dried “hips,” sugar-coating its petals turns it into “pioneer candy.” Picked and washed, the fragrant petals can be lightly brushed with egg white and sprinkled with confectioner’s sugar. When dried overnight on waxed paper, the rose petals become crispy, sweet and aromatic snacking chips.
Giant Pinecones
The largest pinecones in the United States come from the coulter pine trees in southern California. These huge pinecones can measure up to 16 inches long and weigh as much as 11 pounds!
Learn From Your Mistakes
The best way to improve your hunting skills is to get out there and hunt. Good info can be gathered from practice, scouting, reading, watching YouTube videos and talking to others, but there is no substitute for the skills that hunting will provide you with over time. One of the best ways to learn is from your own mistakes.

Catch a Few in Deeper Water