Helping you enjoy the outdoors! Feb 14, 2025

‘Zombie’ Crappies

By Brian 'Bro' Brosdahl
Catch loads of basin crappies out in the middle of nowhere!

Fishing Tips Gleaned Over the Years

By Jack Payne
With many years of fishing comes a wealth of knowledge that author Jack Payne is happy to share.

Free Map & Adventure Guide

The Highway 105 Tourism Map & Adventure Guide is one of the most sought-after travel resources in Ontario. It’s filled with trip-planning information on fishing, operators, guides, events and much more.

Where, When and How to Ice Winter Walleyes

By Mark Martin
The best bite often shifts deeper as winter strengthens its icy grip.

Ontario Fly-in Fishing Adventure

Join Roger Cormier as he returns to Slippery Winds Wilderness Lodge, just a short float plane ride out of Fort Frances, Ontario. He shares tips for catching big walleyes and lots of bass on this fun fishing adventure.

The Water Wolf, AKA Northern Pike

By Mike Yurk
Northern pike are big, green, toothy critters with bad attitudes and freight-train power.

Best Ice Fishing Winter in a Long Time!

Overheard in the Hayward area: “This has been one of the best ice fishing winters in a long time.” From larger bodies of water to the more intimate places, enjoy action for a wide variety of gamefish.

Goals of a Catfish Trip

By Brad Durick
What to shoot for when you’re out for big cats on a river near you.